create button in dev C++

How can I create a button in a window in dev C++? Thanks!
EDIT:how do I delete this?

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create a button in a windows used win32Api.
for example:
HWND button = ::CreateWindow("button","Button",WS_CHILD,0,0,100,100,parent,NULL,::GetModuleHandle(NULL),0);
Don't delete please. Leave this post for other people that might want to know how to make a button.
Leave this post for other people that might want to know how to make a button.

Are you joking ?!
There are just > 40000 hits on Google Groups on CreateWindow(), 300 000 on Google ,
firts hit in 1989
It's the first Win32 api that a newbie learns.
Read Petzold !
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
hahahah...I think he was being sarcastic.

1. You can't delete your main post because someone has posted on to your thread.
2. If your wanting to delete your thread after making it, you might want to think about the following:
Could I get this info elsewhere?
Does this make it unnessecarily inconvenient for them?
Is this question stupid? (there are exceptions to this one :P)

3. If you really want this post to stay up, why not give an example of all the other controls in the WinAPI?
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I don't see anything important here just delete it
See this if you want to make a button
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