how to pass files into a function?

I'm writing a program and I have all of it working properly except the last part, the convert_to_wave function. The problem is that it's in a library, not one that I wrote so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm passing in the temp file and it should be converted to my wav file but I receive the error "Error reading input file temp.tmp". It generates a .wav file but I can't get it to play the note. I'm not sure exactly where the error is, my guess is with the input to the function. Am I passing a file in correctly when I call the function? Any suggestions appreciated. If you need more details, I will try and provide them."temp.tmp");"C5.wav");

for ( i = 0; i < NUM_NOTES ; i++ )
time_new = file_contents[i][0];
for ( ; time_old < time_new; time_old++ )
for ( j = 0; j < buffer; j++ )
fout << notes[j];

for ( j = 0; j < buffer -1; j++ )
notes[j] = .996 * ( notes[j] + notes[j+1] ) / 2.0;
notes[buffer] = ( notes[buffer] + notes[0] ) / 2.0;
time_old = time_new;

convert_to_wave( "temp.tmp", "C5.wav", SAMPLE_RATE, true);

Your program uses an external library like you said, so it is not clear (to me at least) how this function is supposed to work. Your library probably comes with a documentation or sample program that illustrates how it should be used. Have you checked that?
You need to close the file before passing it to convert function.
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