Merging mp3 files

I'm using Qt but the sound facilities seem pretty limited. I want my program to concatenate several mp3 files. Can anyone recommend a sound library to do this? Preferably a simple one?

You don't really need any mp3 parser, it is easy enough to write one.

All you need to do is discard any IDv2.x, ID3v1 or APE tags from the file if it exists and direct copy everything else.
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Ah great thanks. I've done this and it works apart from a tiny gap between the two files. I know there is no gap at the end of file1 or start of file 2.

What's happening here?
have you looked at the end of the first file and the beginning of the second to see if there is actually any silence?
bobdabilder wrote:
have you looked at the end of the first file and the beginning of the second to see if there is actually any silence?
rozik1 wrote:
I know there is no gap at the end of file1 or start of file 2.

Maybe you should:
1. decode the files to a raw-data format (easier with wav's)
2. concatenate them
3. re-encode the concatenated data (or easily save them as a wav)

Can you suggest a library which can do this for me?
I'd say Bass Audio Library has decoding functions, but never looked into them.
Simply move or copy in other file.
rockdenim wrote:
Simply move or copy in other file.

Unrelated answer?
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