use of double linklist

Problem Statement:

Write a program that asks user to enter information of student and then save it in a doubly
linked (bi-directional) sorted list. Moreover you should be able to retrieve a particular entry and modify/
remove/print it to a text file.

Following should be the prompt shown to user at start of program and after every operation indicated in
the prompt.

Please choose one of the following options:

1 - Add a new student's info
2 - Edit a student's info
3 - Get a student's info
4 - Print info to a text file
5 - Exit Program

Your design should follow these outlines for each prompt:

- For "Add a new student's info" (ASK)
-- Student Name
-- Father Name
-- Registration Number
-- Section
-- Major Area of Interest
-- Current CGPA

- For "Edit a student's info" (ASK)
-- Edit student entry
-- Search by (ASK)
1 - Student Name
2 - Registration No
-- Display on screen in a nice readable format
-- Allow user to choose field to edit (ASK)
1 - Student Name
2 - Father Name
3 - Registration Number
4 - Section
5 - Major Area of Interest
6 - Current CGPA
-- Save edited info for that student
-- remove a student entry
-- Search by (ASK)
1 - Student Name
2 - Registration Number
-- remove entry

- For "Get a student's info"
-- Search by (ASK)
1 - Student Name
2 - Registration Number
-- Display on screen in a nice readable format

- For "Print info to a text file" (ASK)
1 - Particular student
-- Search by (ASK)
1 - Student Name
2 - Registration Number
2 - All students

-- Target text file name (ASK)
-- Target text file path (ASK)

- For "Exit Program"
-- remove all elements in list
-- Just exit main function


- Develop a 'Student' class (No need for template) to hold the student info mentioned
- Develop a sorted doubly linked list to hold all student objects, you can sort it
for any field of student class you want.
- At every step confirm entry before moving on to next one when inputting data
- Write data to text file if asked in a nice readable format with proper indentation
- Main program should have an infinite while loop to continously run but a
terminaring condition inside to break in case user wants to exit program
So lets see the code you have developed and maybe we can help if you get stuck.
this is very new concept for me. i hv no idea abt that.
plz explain each n every thing
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