Windows Programming - December 2013

WININET - What should I give for agent name in InternetOpen() function???
Hi all, WININET - What should I give for agent name in InternetOpen() function??? Please help...
[2 replies] Last: LOL, Thankyou very much!!! (by WindowsProgrammer777)
Binary Tree Not Printing
I cannot figure out why my binary tree is not printing. #include <iostream> using namespace std ; struct treeNode { int data ; treeNode *...
[1 reply] : You have to fix to things. Definition of createNode function must be ... (by Null)
Execute Commands Using Relative Path
I wrote a program that does a lot of script like things using system calls. I have found that some windows commands, when passed as string arguments to the syst...
[5 replies] Last: It is just in C++ we don't use system calls, for example: - deleting a... (by modoran)
How to make a '32 digit' calculator c++???
Hi all, Im now focussing on small programs, How to make a '32 digit' calculator c++??? int / double can't hold 32 digits!? Can you all please help me out? ...
[6 replies] Last: Okay, I wont ask for code!!! Yay, we are friends! (by WindowsProgrammer777)
Getting Active Window Title
Hi All, I dont know anything about windows programming yet.I am trying to Get the active windows title someone advised me to check in windows programming someb...
[4 replies] Last: // // Callback function. It will be called by EnumWindows function /... (by Null)
by liyun
seems my visual studio express 2012 doesn't have the IT++ lib. I need to use the itbase.h file. Where can I find the IT++ library? Thanks.
[2 replies] Last: Dput, Thanks. (by liyun)
by zsteve
Visual Studio 2012 Isn't working as expected
I've been using Visual Studio 2012 Express for about a week now, and I've encountered this problem several times: VS2012 seems to have a problem with #defines....
[2 replies] Last: Hi, We need more information, what error value is it throwing. Would ... (by closed account 13bSLyTq)
by zsteve
Need some help with Win32 programming
I've been programming GUI programs with the Win32 API for about a year in C++ now, but I've always used Dialog boxes (DlgProc and stuff). Now I want to move on...
[1 reply] : Hi, MFC has been the C++ developers choice of UI integration, this bo... (by closed account 13bSLyTq)
How will you prevent the UAC from popping up for my app? (1,2,3)
Hi all, I want to elevate my app without UAC? I DONT MEAN TO DISABLE IT. I WANT IT NOT TO SHOW THE DIALOG FOR MY APP! I need to somehow inject into 'conse...
[43 replies] Last: Okay, let me tell you why. Let me first tell you I am not here to be r... (by closed account 13bSLyTq)
Sending a midi signal to digital audio workstation
I want to send a simple midi signal to be sent from my program to a digital audio workstation. But I have my problems with reading out the name of available ...
[no replies]
MinGW "Folder" Library Linking
Hello. I'm on Windows ("Windows Programming") and I've installed MinGW. I downloaded boost libraries, and they work perfectly on Code::Blocks, but I need to l...
[1 reply] : Use a makefile. Edit this as you need, and simply call mingw32-make ... (by TwilightSpectre)
by Avijit
Rectangle function
dev c++ does recognize rectangle function. it shows an error... undefined reference to rectangle... how to fix this. anyone help plz
[1 reply] : Not sure what your saying, but sounds like it doesn't have access to y... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
by Avijit
resource loading problem
I am a beginner in win32. i already study about tutorial. everything works fine but a little little problem occured. i want to load menu from resour...
[1 reply] : What is your code? (by closed account N36fSL3A)
by Ch1156
Program that logs application events
Ok so i just bought a new computer and whenever i play games witht he keyboard my games randomly minimize and its really annoying I dont knwo whjat the problem ...
[6 replies] Last: That idea didn't cross my min because touchpad is always disabled in m... (by Zaki Al Qudah)
How to find if a process running under windows is x86 or x64 thru c++???
Hi all, How to find if a process running under windows is x86 or x64 thru c++??? Help! And thankyou everyone in advance!!! Merry Christmas, and Happy New Ye...
[2 replies] Last: I already gived you this answer, however why bother wasting our time f... (by modoran)
How to 'hard code' tasks for windows through c++???
Hi all, How to 'hard code' tasks for windows through c++??? What I mean is: Have you seen Task Scheduler it creates task and saves them into C:\Windows\Tasks...
[2 replies] Last: Use Task scheduler exposed api for this, like everyone else. (by modoran)
Game idea - nothing specific (1,2)
I am thinking of making a 3d game using Visual Studio 2013 and DirectX. However, I am not really experienced in this kind of thing (though pretty good at C++ im...
[24 replies] Last: Well I'm only using WinAPI for like 3 things underneath. You never tou... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
simulate click on buttons in other apps
Hello, I'm just saw a pc maintainence application which has a turbo mode option which changes the look of win 7 from areo to old windows 98 look for increasing ...
[1 reply] : You can use something like this if you want to set a particular theme ... (by modoran)
[VS2012] Can't Compile with /MT
I just changed linking from /MD to /MT, so the user doesnt have to use redistributable packages and what not, unfortunatelly, I'm getting these errors with /MT ...
[4 replies] Last: Well, I created empty project just like everytime and made everything ... (by mekkatorqu)
by PacR
Two textBox and one scroolBar (Visual studio c++ 2010)
Hello everyone and happy holiday, im trying to make two text boxes to be able to be scrolled with one scrollbar and i want to use vScrollBar and hScroolBar . A...
[no replies]
December 2013 Pages: 1234
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