Windows Programming - January 2012 (Page 9)

Please help with texture animation in DirectX9.
Hi! I am making a 2d game using 3d resources of DirectX9, my world cosnists of flat square polygons, equally outstanding from camera, with different textures o...
[no replies]
Loading a texture with D3DCreateTextureFromFile
I've been following a tutorial but he lost me when it got to loading textures so I wound up with this. I've been trying different ways and I've googled but with...
[1 reply] : Fixed the linker problems and an unhandled exception but I still can't... (by yukyduky)
by elixer
Can not compile with VisualStudio
Hi all! For some reason I can compile this source code with g++ in Cygwin but not with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with most recent updates in Windows 7 SP1...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks freddie1 for the advice. My first program was "hello world!" ... (by elixer)
January 2012 Pages: 1... 789
  Archived months: [dec2011] [feb2012]

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