Windows Programming - March 2015

"Clear" terminal without losing data
I am creating a simulator that outputs the board each time a unit is moved. Cin.ignore(256, '\n'); is used to allow the user to watch the simulation at their...
[no replies]
by Axeem
Upload data using c++.
I am using this code for uploading a data in web but here is some error in this code. here is a code. #include <windows.h> #include <wininet.h> #include <...
[5 replies] Last: Here's an example and you can echo your form data and this will pick i... (by bobdabilder)
Call a function with a buttonclick in Windows Form
Hello everyone, I am creating a GUI with windows form in VisualStudio 2010. I wish my button (Button1) calls a function like this. I try to embed the code below...
[no replies]
win32: how avoid flicker and do transparent?
for avoid flicker i read that i must do: 1 - add the WS_CLIPCHILDREN style on the parent window; 2 - return true on erase message: case WM_ERASEBKGND: ...
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dimensions of parent window depend on user input
I am designing a small windows app for a class project. While I have completed most of the required functionality, there is an extra feature I would like to imp...
[15 replies] Last: I just checked into whether or not I could make my GNU Code::Blocks cr... (by freddie1)
by Gyiove
Playing with winsock2, my first time and having some troubles
Hello everyone! Here's a code: #define sw_port 27016 #define sw_ip "" DWORD WINAPI SocketHandler(void*); void runserver() { unsigned sho...
[1 reply] : Without reading the code: When you try to recv() info the client waits... (by R23MJ)
I need some help fixing this game
Hello! I'm making a game out of this, but it doesn't work right. Can someone please help me? In this game you choose a weapon at the beginning, and depending...
[7 replies] Last: std::cin.get() will prevent your console from closing. (by E l e c t r i c)
Rotating sprite
How do I rotate a sprite? I'm not familiar with Winapi programming so I don't know the functions. What's the easiest way to do it?
[no replies]
mapping x,y coordinates
I'm building a game similar to shuffleboard and am having trouble coming up with logic on mapping a segment of the board to a score. I am having trouble verbali...
[5 replies] Last: Ok. Good ideas. Let me see what i can work out. (by bobdabilder)
by River
error: expected unqualified-id before '.' token
I am creating a bee hive simulator for my class hw, and I'm running into a few errors. Here is my code so far. /* * */ #include <cstdlib> #include <iost...
[1 reply] : The modulo operator (%) only works on integers, which covers your firs... (by expor)
VS2012 - LNK2019 Unresolved Error
1>------ Build started: Project: VisualFatigueDetectionSystem, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>FaceTracking.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol...
[1 reply] : 999 times out of 1000, "unresolve external symbol" means you are tryin... (by Disch)
How softwares with graphics are developed ??
I am petty good a console programming in c++ but now I wants to develop a software that have some graphics like all other windows applications like window media...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks aa lot once again for ur help... (by Nikitesh)
NaN MASM Error?
So i receive this NaN error (notanumber) when i try to add 2 values of which are floats. How would i fix this error? i have this as my info... leftvalue ...
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Raw Input: how use it?
i'm trying understand the Raw Input for testing what devices are connected. 1 - i must regist for use the WM_INPUT and WM_INPUT_DEVICE_CHANGE messages... RAWIN...
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win32 - GDI: why the HDC\HBITMAP aren't destroyed?
i'm doing an image class. but seems the HBITMAP and HDC's aren't deleted and i don't understand why :( see these part of my class: class image { private: U...
[3 replies] Last: the problem is about the joysticks functions. but i will do a new thre... (by Cambalinho)
cant find sysmet.h in codeblocks win32gui
i'm studying Charles Petzold book for windows api and there is a program having #include "sysmets.h" but showing error what to do??
[8 replies] Last: long fnWndProc_OnSize(WndEventArgs& Wea) { ScrollData* pScrDta=NULL... (by freddie1)
text editor windows api
I have to make a text editor like notepad will it be good to use charles petzold books of windows api
[1 reply] : Yep. He has an almost full implementation of Notepad in the book, I t... (by freddie1)
Loops in WinApi program?
Hello everybody! Let's say I'd like to make program that does sth with a file when I click a button. To do sth with that file I need a loop(I want to read an...
[5 replies] Last: Remember, when using worker threads in a Win32 app don't touch the GU... (by Lodger)
ioctl talking to drivers
Hi, I've been trying to research on how to communicate with device drivers. I've gathered that I have to obtain a device handle, and I have to know contro...
[no replies]
Please help me to include pokerstove library in my Visual studio 2013
Hi, as u see from the title i would love to include this library into my Visual studio 2013 projects. The instructio...
[no replies]
March 2015 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [feb2015] [apr2015]

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