Windows Programming - November 2013

тип Bool
Почему в таком заголовочном файле: #ifndef BOOL_H #define BOOL_H enum some_enum {boolean::false,boolean:: true}; #endif ...
[3 replies] Last: Strange. That should work fine. Consider using something other than fa... (by Ispil)
Add a symbol into .exp file
Hello, If there are two projects A and B. A is created as .dll, while B is created as static library. project A has a class "classA" classA: public c...
[no replies]
A link error using Visual Studio for c++ codes
Hello, I have a question about using Visual Studio to compile c++ codes. I created 3 projects: A, B and C. A and B were created as dynamic library, while ...
[1 reply] : In Visual Studio, A has a dependency on B, and B has a dependency on ... (by kbw)
Can someone give me some general advice on C++
Recently I watched the whole of AntiRTFM's tutorial videos and I have a reasonable knowledge of basic C++ the only question is that, where do I go from there? I...
[2 replies] Last: Into prefferably software or game development, I can't quite decide I ... (by Jamie96)
Why the plus operation doesn't work ?
I have a code like below. I am wonder why the plus (+) operation for error doesn't work. void calnormal() { long numcal; float indexNC0,indexNC1; float ...
[1 reply] : Well, since I can't compile your code and I don't know what noovert an... (by tipaye)
once again... stupid error....
getting access violation error once again, now the line no. is not showing in the error message. program in comment.
[9 replies] Last: . (by NPcomplete)
Custom Window Controls
C++, Windows 8.1, Visual Studio I need a knob like control for an amplifier program I'm making. How should I best go about this? The knob would rotate as the ...
[no replies]
Can you do this whole exercise for me please??
Please use loops, nevermind the change breakdown.
[2 replies] Last: Is this a joke? (by MrHutch)
hi i want to use graphics.h in windows platform. how can i? thanx in advance
[7 replies] Last: There is also WinBGIm for MinGW You mi... (by Duthomhas)
SQL Server calling function
I had developed an application based on WIN API that interact with MS SQL Server. The connection is established through ODBC. Anyway, I need to know how to ex...
[4 replies] Last: Hello Ahmad, Check out the following: (by Mike46)
by sumsar
I have a compiler error when creating a window
Im following a directx tutorial but i get a compiler error which i can't find a solution to #include <windows.h> int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance...
[3 replies] Last: yeah i found the bug i forgot to add a function LRESULT CALLBACK Wn... (by sumsar)
Adding data to Combo,which was made using CreateWindow API
Hi, I have successfully created a Combo using CreateWindow API. hdlgid = CreateWindow ("COMBOBOX", "", WS_CHILD | CBS_SIMPLE | CBS_SO...
[1 reply] : The last parameter is LPARAM or pointer to a String, not a DWORD: for... (by modoran)
by Juicej
ip adresses
hey i was given a project and decided to do something in the networking field, which is what im interested in... so i have decided to make a simple windows appl...
[5 replies] Last: The biggest problem with your project I would say is that it is a litt... (by Computergeek01)
Program crashes.
Compiling gives no errors. When running in debug it crashes and then points me to the file memset.asm with this: "rep stosd" highlighted. I've got a feeling ...
[19 replies] Last: It seems I fixed the code some posts up but then forgot to remove the ... (by thefatshizms)
Console showing up with VC++ CLR GUI
I am trying to get a calculator program to work. The following code is what's in my .cpp file. #include "Calculator.h" using namespace System; using name...
[3 replies] Last: (by booradley60)
Migrate Code
Hi, I'm beginner in C++. However, I have some experience in C#. I Have to make compatible an application to Windows 7. This application seems to be built und...
[1 reply] : They are probably linking errors or definition errors. A good start wo... (by Computergeek01)
Wxwidges file note found
Hey programmerz ,am have made a program after when am compiling it shows this error "1wxmsw2Bu-dbgrid not found" how can i fix this please help me please
[no replies]
how can i export a c++ programm as an executable? and add a permanent icon to it? thanx in adv...
[7 replies] Last: o.k thanks! (by NPcomplete)
Logging running programs
Is there any tutorials floating around that would teach me how to record and save running programs, I'm in the middle of making a program and wanted to save the...
[2 replies] Last: Im just after 2-3 programms i running i just want to record how long i... (by programmeraie125)
hi guys I have problem with my .dll file I wrote .. I am trying to use the api DeviceIoControl to sent a irp to the drive, But the BSOD is keep occuring !! ...
[no replies]
November 2013 Pages: 123... 6
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