Windows Programming - November 2014

Why my simple bector produces the wrong result ?
Hello, I'm a C++ beginner and I'm trying to my program (I copied the code from the book : programming principles and practice using C++). This is the code : ...
[1 reply] : Note that you sort the vector so I guess 1.4 will be at index 0 and 6.... (by Peter87)
Questions about VC++ 6.0
I've had the CD for this for a while (along with VB 6.0), but have mainly used VB. I know it's old, but I finally decided to use this old version of VC++ to sta...
[7 replies] Last: VB6 isn't really used anymore IIRC. Your best option is to just move a... (by Avilius)
Can you make a button respond differently to right click?
The question was pretty simple but I really couldn't find anything about it. I'm trying to make a game in win32 api. Is it possible to make a button do somethin...
[1 reply] : Are you familiar with Window Subclassing? You can pretty much subvert... (by freddie1)
Asterisks Shapes
I need to make this this shape out (or similar) of asterisks: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ...
[1 reply] : I fixed your code. try it btw you should move this ... (by zoran404)
by Erhy
How to retrieve the name of a resource?
Hello! Have many .WAV files, which I included into the C++ resources. The defines in Resource.h uses number in series, so It is possible to load the resour...
[2 replies] Last: so I created the specific text for .rc and resource.h with own softwar... (by Erhy)
Define a window to be hProcess?
Hello, im having a bit of trouble im working on a simple program that should get a process called: "Notepad" and i want it to define it as hProcess, but im not ...
[1 reply] : How about this? #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using names... (by zoran404)
Makeing a server for a game
I'm making a server for a real-time multiplayer game and need some tips on how to make it as good as it can be. I have tried this code (
[4 replies] Last: Ok thanks (by zoran404)
[c/c++ 11 - win32] - how can i detect if the caps lock is activated?
how can i detect if the caps\scrool\num lock is activated?
[2 replies] Last: finally the code works fine: const int AnyKey=257; const int NoKey=25... (by Cambalinho)
[C/C++ 11 - win32] - how can i send a mouse message to another program\window?
i'm doing a program that must simulate a mouse event, but i'm having problems for send the message :( void AccaoDoRato(int x, int y, HWND Destino, int Butao=0...
[3 replies] Last: thanks for all tath ;) (by Cambalinho)
[C/C++ 11 - win32] - getting problem for resize a window :(
i know resize a window, but by some reason the width isn't changed correctly :( RECT a; GetWindowRect(hwnd,&a); SetWindowPos(hw...
[2 replies] Last: after much more tests, i found the real problem. i changed the size be... (by Cambalinho)
Schtasks command
Does anyone know how can I work this thing ?
[4 replies] Last: Task scheduler, and Windows for that matter, didn't exist in the 80's ... (by Computergeek01)
Is this a good example of encryption?
I have defined a class so that it can closely resemble to what i believe encryption is. Am I even using encryption at all in this class? The setEncrypt() membe...
[1 reply] : Not really. Encryption would be anything that obsures the content, ca... (by kbw)
'getaddrinfo' not declared
I tried running this example code, but I keep getting this error: error: 'getaddrinfo' was not declared in this scope
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, but turns out I had an old version of ws2tcpip.h which I now d... (by zoran404)
Matrix multiplication
So that's my funcion to multiply 2 matrices together, it works for square matrcies but not for any other IE [1,2], [3,4] etc.. matrix^ MatrixMultiply(matrix^...
[no replies]
What's the wrong with my code ?
POINT P ; for (int i{}; i < 360; i++) { P .x = i; P .y = (int)sin((double)i); } CClientDC dc(this); RECT rc; GetClientRect(&rc); dc.S...
[2 replies] Last: The sin() function returns a floating point value between -1 and 1, in... (by OffByOne)
Performing calculations from converted strings
Hi, I am using visual studio 2012 and c++ language to create a windows form that serves as a time card for employees. I'm stuck in the part where I subtract th...
[1 reply] : Hi, I am using visual studio 2012 and c++ language ... private: Sys... (by kbw)
CSS inserting image..
I wrote in notepad.. <img src= “fall.jpg” alt=“pic” height= "100" width= "100" > but the picture is not showing up on the website. So i checked t...
[2 replies] Last: <img src= "fall.jpg" alt="pic" height= "100" width= "100" > thanks I c... (by whoovian11)
[c/c++ 11 - win32] - how using hooks?
using the SetWindowsHookEx(), i can create a hook procedure: (every code is on a class) static HHOOK hkb; hkb=SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD,(HOOKPROC)CallKey...
[2 replies] Last: 1st i have 2 errors on code: hkb=SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL,(HO... (by Cambalinho)
by drov
http post via sock5 proxy
Hello, I have a server in tor, and I want to send data via http post. Problem is in order to do that i need to pass through the sock5 proxy. And I haven't fo...
[no replies]
redefinition error with all the include directives!
Hi. Im trying to run a program in mfc but it keep making errors that are all related to header files I have 2 question: 1. When i define some utility class h...
[4 replies] Last: > to clarify "where should i include what (by ne555)
November 2014 Pages: 123... 5
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