Windows Programming - November 2017 (Page 2)

Programatic reboot from Windows to BIOS...
Anyone have any idea (or know where I can find out) how to "programatically" (via C++) reboot Windows to the BIOS/UEFI configuration screen?
[3 replies] Last: There is no way to automatically enter the BIOS after restart. (by modoran)
Need help in visualizing AVL Tree
I need help in visualizing an AVL Tree, I have a working AVL Tree print function. But, it prints on the console and that it not at all pretty and just lose the ...
[no replies]
Toolbar icons
Hello, How can I draw a semi-transparent rectangle over an icon in my program's toolbar when I hover over it ? Thanks Seymour.
[2 replies] Last: No, Visual Studio Community 2015. Seymour. (by Fractal Cat)
Choosing a Graphics API
I wanted to learn graphic api.So which one should I learn first Direct x9 or direct x10 or straight to directx 11 or straight to direct x12.
[2 replies] Last: If you are planning on programming strictly for Windows then why not s... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Changing my app's icon using Dev-C++ (Win32 GUI mode)
I'm learning to use DEV-C++ 5.11, hoping to make a program I have in mind. Before I go any further, I would like to change the icon for the resulting program,...
[2 replies] Last: Eureka! It works. I had tried something similar before, but without t... (by Ricardooo)
noob questions about windows interaction
Hello people, Im new in the forum. Not totally new with cplusplus though. I was programming a couple of things with sfml, managed to get a windows stay on top...
[2 replies] Last: "invoke batch files, other programs" well, that would not be an actual... (by barnack)
OLE2/ActiveX without using either MFC or the ATL
I have become very interested in making my own custom controls which can be added to a dialogue box at design-time. There is a tool in the VisualStudio dialo...
[18 replies] Last: One positive thing that ATL has done is make these books which just ... (by freddie1)
Libcurl Question.
I understand its not C++ coding centric, but I'm following a C++ tutorial on how to use libcurl and its somewhat outdated. Where can I find libcurldll and libcu...
[1 reply] : (by mbozzi)
How can I compile a cpp file from inside another cpp program?
Say, I have 2 files: mainprogram.cpp secondaryprogram.cpp I compile the mainprogram.cpp normally. Then, when i execute mainprogram.exe, I want it to compile...
[4 replies] Last: Use CreateProcess() to call your compiler. (by Golden Lizard)
November 2017 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [oct2017] [dec2017]

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