Windows Programming - October 2012 (Page 6)

by Aceix
Why is it that I cannot close the programme?
Why can't I close the window when I replace line #55 with: while(GetMessage(&msg,mainwnd->GetHwnd(),0,0)) This is the code: Or...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your suggestion. I'll look at that. Aceix. (by Aceix)
Oh, all things disappeared!
I'm very disappointed: when finally correct all the grammar mistakes, screen only display the "0:0:0 0 ms"! where is button and record? !Please help me "find" t...
[3 replies] Last: struct mbs{char name ;int id;}bs =...... Possible computer translati... (by amchinese)
hi all im from iran . iran starting filter web site . and block port and protocols help me i want create program to server side and client side pass th...
[11 replies] Last: tnx . like proxy socks or https ? know i use this . (by mani0iranian)
by jkski
Please help with linked list...
I'm not having any build errors, but every time I run it it says the program has stopped working. Any help would really be appreciated. #include<iostream...
[2 replies] Last: naraku, thank you!!! I made those changes and it worked!! I appreciat... (by jkski)
Difficulty of syntax highlighting in a win32 editor
I've been creating my notepad app lately using Win32, and im looking to add a couple of features that will challenge AND help me during school. I was wondering ...
[2 replies] Last: I was wondering what the difficulty level would be to create an opt... (by freddie1)
Heap Corruption
Hello Everyone, I have one socket client c++ program it has some heap corruption in that. i m not understanding where this is happening #include <stdio....
[3 replies] Last: I don't think @OP uses Visual Studio to use pragma directives like tha... (by modoran)
by tambun
C coding
i have a problem with my C coding...everytime i run the will skip certain line and i can't enter my input for that is my coding look li...
[5 replies] Last: You also may want to look at fgets(). fgets(name,30-1,stdin); for exam... (by bobdabilder)
Facing problem in fopen
I am using vc10 with xp3 professional. I am trying to open the file, but it is giving error i.e Invalid Argument. fd = fopen("D:\Matadeen\ftpcmds.txt", "rb")...
[1 reply] : FILE* fd = fopen("D: \\ Matadeen \\ ftpcmds.txt", "rb"); /* open file... (by kbw)
What is an thread in c++
Hi C++ forums, I am learning about various different things in c++ just to learn more. Then i came across an thing called Threads. I searched for it every whe...
[6 replies] Last: C++ doesnt know anything about Thread, but some other libraries, for e... (by iceb0und)
Many questions : MessageBox(
MessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP, magcharstr, headingcharstring, MB_OKCANCEL); Questions: (visual c++ 2008 express) 1.) heading string to long truncates safely? 2...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you all much. Joshua (by josheir)
web Socket
hi every one . i'm from iran . my Country its so funy . use filter on web pages. and now block the http and https - port 80 443 . i research for way to pass...
[4 replies] Last: Answers ? (by mani0iranian)
Multiple desktop
I just met with some problems. I tried to write a program, this program to the desktop window group. Programs use a forever hidden window as the main window, us...
[1 reply] : It is no grammar mistakes, but I found that the computer automatic tra... (by amchinese)
what should i use instead sprintf
i have the following statement:- printf("%-9s %5s %10s %4s %9s %18s %9s %10s %s\n", "COMMAND", "PID", "USER", ...
[7 replies] Last: Out of date? (by kbw)
What is better for a console game
Okay so i am making a console game and the problem is: 1.In my project i am wondering if i should use more header files, like to put the voids in them and ...
[2 replies] Last: Most people say making the main file crowded makes it difficult for y... (by Riper97)
October 2012 Pages: 1... 456
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