Windows Programming - October 2019

I need your help to C++ TicTacToe 5x5 game code . I didn't find problem . I hope u all help me..
#include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std; char square ={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','...
[1 reply] : 1. Please edit your post to use code tags. (by salem c)
Help please
Output the most valuable officer of each team. The most valuable officer is calculated by adding the reaction and response times up and subtracted 1 points for ...
[3 replies] Last: In forum rules Help me titles are banned. I can't understand your pro... (by ASingleGameEngineDevelop)
Hi! I would like to ask how to create this to a header file and implement it on a cpp file? This is a linked list code by the way. struct Node { ...
[1 reply] : Note: C++ does not require the keyword "struct" when you use a typenam... (by keskiverto)
Hello, I was wondering if there was any somewhat simple way to make a Bluetooth connection through C++ on a Windows 10 computer. I just need to be able to send,...
[2 replies] Last: Would you like to elaborate? Bluetooth on Windows is basically sockets... (by Computergeek01)
by nismo
MFC Com DLL Example
I understand how to create a ATL Project + ATL Simple Object to add COM components to Visual Studios 2015 project, but I don't understand at all how to create a...
[4 replies] Last: @Furry Guy I have already viewed this tutorial along with many tutori... (by nismo)
voting program
Is C++ a good language to write a voting program in?
[2 replies] Last: possibly. Can it do it? yes. Is it ideal? Depends. Are you dealing... (by jonnin)
by TobiPL
Mouse and Keyboard "Double Click"
Hey !... #Sorry_For_My_Bad_English :) Any easy way to "detect" user double click? I don't want and im not using any lib etc. - Pure C++ and Windows I create ...
[8 replies] Last: my mistake, missed keyboard part of this. you need to make a couple ... (by jonnin)
problem with GetDC()
hi... i have a litle project witch is C++/CLR empty + added cpp file + UI file (Form) i want to do a single button when clicked does this code.. in my ...
[2 replies] Last: Solution found special thanks to malibor i added those lines u... (by vitalisse)
sende faster than receiver
so I made a basic winsock application that sends/receives files from lan computers and it works perfectly on my computer but when I try to send files to my frie...
[15 replies] Last: You might look into your recv() logic: If recv() returns zero, that m... (by kooth)
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