User: Airyk

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User profile: Airyk

User info
User name:Airyk
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

How do I print contents of a vector<vector<Tiles>> where tiles is an object
@keskiverto i edited my code. that second nested for loop was a failed attempt to try and access eac...

How do I print contents of a vector<vector<Tiles>> where tiles is an object
the issue is what should i do in order to access the objects in vDungeon which is several vectors in...

How do I print contents of a vector<vector<Tiles>> where tiles is an object
How would i print the contents of a vector<vector<Tile> where Tile is a pointer to an object? this i...

keep getting an error where it says "Unit" was not declared
Everytime i compile my class it keeps telling me that "Unit" and "user" were not declared in this sc...

not sure if i'm on the right track for my "use" method for game
Okay, so I was right with what I wrote, I guess I was just over thinking it. Thank you

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