User: B260z

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User profile: B260z

User info
User name:B260z
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Almost finished with homework, but need a little help
I did, and this is the outputs I am getting: 4. Compare output 0/7 Input 1 2 0 Your output starts ...

Almost finished with homework, but need a little help
I tried those and I am honestly still stuck. My winnings output is all over the place and my path ou...

Almost finished with homework, but need a little help
Sorry, I should've thought of that. Here is the new code: [code] #include <iostream> #include <cst...

Almost finished with homework, but need a little help
Thanks to your help, I got the program running, but my path and winnings outputs are wrong. winnings...

Almost finished with homework, but need a little help
Thank you both!! That helped a lot!

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