User profile: Deviouscola

User info
User name:Deviouscola
Statistical data
Birthdate:Oct 31, 1987
Number of posts:27
Latest posts:

Efficiency Question
I'm working with what is essentially an excel file, in the sense that it has rows and a defined numb...

uint64_t binary file r/w and efficiency question
Hi guys I need to read/write two vectors of uint64_t to a binary file. I've been reading how to do t...

Speech Recognition for Programmers!?!??!?!?!
Hmmm.... it seems to have developer kits.

Speech Recognition for Programmers!?!??!?!?!
Hey ya’ll. Just wondering if you guys ever thought about speech recognition for programmers. If yo...

bitset vs own implementation?
Which would be faster? [code] bitset<543> seq; seq >>= 25; [/code] Or... [code] vector<uint64_t> se...