User: Houd

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User profile: Houd

User info
User name:Houd
Number of posts:25
Latest posts:

Weird Inequality
Ah, That makes sense now, thanks.

Weird Inequality
I saw some weird code lately, it looks something like this: [code] bool mybool = 1; int myint1 = ...

Why a Valid System Call Won't In C++
God damn it, it was actually running and producing the compiled shader, but it was writing it to the...

Why a Valid System Call Won't In C++
Why [code] system(R"(C:/VulkanSDK/Bin32/glslangValidator.exe -V G:/shaders/vertex.vert)"); [/code...

Weird Class/Function File Interaction
VS is dumb, I had too many dumb things happen that does not happen on any other IDE, I only use it b...

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