User profile: John Davis

User info
User name:John Davis
Number of posts:34
Latest posts:

Assigning values to an existing vector
If a vector v has already been defined. And only later on you want to reassign values to that vector...

std::bad_alloc When using less memory ?
@dhayden I need this for a programme I'm doing so it requires all of those numbers to be stored. ...

std::bad_alloc When using less memory ?
@Keskiverto Thank you for your post. I have adjusted the main for this however when I switch out t...

std::bad_alloc When using less memory ?
[output] [b]Base conversion example: [/b] If the number 17 was to be converted into base 5 17/3...

How do you combine different numbers into one number ? E.g (1,2,2) = 122
@ Ganado, That is interesting. I must have been messing up somewhere.. Thanks