User: MaryMary22

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User profile: MaryMary22

User info
User name:MaryMary22
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

converting c++ codes to ansistring
Please could you help me with tips and website links on converting old codes to ansistring. I am usi...

How can I delete numbers and decimals from an ansistring....
Thanks again.

How can I delete numbers and decimals from an ansistring....
Apologies for the typo error.... I meant like this: Put this in Edit1: 78.p978y 23.rye 546.b3ft 77...

How can I delete numbers and decimals from an ansistring....
Thanks again Chervil Is it possible in ansistring to do the following: delete the number,dot and sp...

How can I delete numbers and decimals from an ansistring....
Thanks so much Chervil. I tested the above on a friends machine... He uses the current Embarcadero. ...

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