User: Sander777

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User profile: Sander777

User info
User name:Sander777
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

"free(): invalid pointer" in very strange situation
I know. I just wanted to train my skills. But now I'm wondering why this function worked perfectly b...

"free(): invalid pointer" in very strange situation
Thanks, guys. I'm feeling so foolish now. I thought the error was somewhere in [output]main[/output]...

"free(): invalid pointer" in very strange situation
I have to similars programs but the second one doesn't work [code] #include <iostream> #inclu...

SFML static linking error
dutch, don't work

SFML static linking error
I removed [code]-s[/code] and it compiled but now it needs .dll but I need static linking (all in on...

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