User: Sikkirigi

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User profile: Sikkirigi

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User name:Sikkirigi
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

C++ Console Homework Project
@rabster: It should say "bad number" when you enter a letter. And can you do it shorter and more un...

C++ Console Homework Project
@artganseforth: I made this but I don't know how to use that things you said. Can you turn this pro...

C++ Console Homework Project
artganseforth: I don't get it, can you write the complete program and explain? Thanks.

C++ Console Homework Project
@AbstractionAnon Here's the ones I tried: [code] #include <iostream> size_t digits(size_t num, siz...

C++ Console Homework Project
Howdy. My C++ teacher asked me to write this console project two weeks ago, I'm still trying but I c...

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