User: Vetal

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User profile: Vetal

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User name:Vetal
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Console output of unsigned chars (initialized by hex) gives cyrillic output
Thank You, Guys, I thought, that hex will be outputted as chars latin symbols...from A-to z... I...

Console output of unsigned chars (initialized by hex) gives cyrillic output
0xf2 is ASCII code of '/'

Console output of unsigned chars (initialized by hex) gives cyrillic output
And what about this...((( #include <iostream> int main() { unsigned char Ar[2] ={0x7c,0xf2}; std::...

Console output of unsigned chars (initialized by hex) gives cyrillic output
It works.... I will try on my compiler and will post the result here...

Console output of unsigned chars (initialized by hex) gives cyrillic output
Hi, please, help to understand. PROBLEM:I make the output with cout of unsigned chars, that ar...

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