User profile: Zepth

User info
User name:Zepth
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Searching a text file and showing data spread over several lines
You can either store the information as an array in a file set to use binary, or store it as text. ...

Passing fstream to a function, not working. can it?
You're having problems with sending "ifstream" by-value. just change it to: [code]void readFile(char...

Searching a text file and showing data spread over several lines
Are you an assembler programmer? Because you code reminds me of assembly, and that's not good! First...

Passing fstream to a function, not working. can it?
You display the contents of the "weather" array before you send it to "readFile". Its displaying the...

Please Help
If I understood correctly, you want to ask the user to enter 3 grades for each student, and calculat...