User: blahblah123

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User profile: blahblah123

User info
User name:blahblah123
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

ifstream and ofstream - EOF while loop
I've been confused on how to use ifstream an ofstream correctly. I'm not completely sure how to wri...

C++ fstream question
I've been a bit confused lately on how to use fstream. I understand the infile and outfile basics, b...

Issue with program
The only other issue I have with this is whenever I run the program, this statement "cout << "Thank ...

Issue with program
Never mind I got it I realized I didn't include <string> into my program and that's what gave me the...

Issue with program
<< flavor << "at " << iceCreamCost; cout << "charges you: " << accIceCreamCost << endl; this one my...

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