User: bsnayak

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User profile: bsnayak

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User name:bsnayak
Number of posts:14
Latest posts:

difference in received data thgrough listener.c and netcat
[code] server_address_ob.sin_family = AF_INET; server_address_ob.sin_port = htons(1901); serve...

difference in received data thgrough listener.c and netcat
are the ips are directed to one. How can i make it different?

difference in received data thgrough listener.c and netcat
so you mean. I should bind to only one address? for example- other one will work [code]if (bind(soc...

identifying a client
@kbw: I solved this issue somehow and i know how it can be identified. I have come accross anothe ...

difference in received data thgrough listener.c and netcat
Hi.. Thank you . It is working fine and receiving the packets as expected. But i extended my work...

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