User: coradelaide

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User profile: coradelaide

User info
User name:coradelaide
Number of posts:13
Latest posts:

Pointer notations to access array
Hi This is the code I wrote. Im supposed to use pointer notations to access the array but I did with...

Simple addition funtcion
I'm new to functions and I'm trying to add 2 numbers. Where am I going wrong? [code] #include ...

for Loop problem
Thanks that explains a couple of things. Can you tell me why when counting the SUM or the FREQ for n...

First value skipped when trying to sum in for loop
The first negative value that is entered is not counted either in the sum or the count. It just happ...

Do while sentinel
Hi How do I add a sentinel using a do while loop here so that when I enter -500 the program will c...

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