User: iamlearner

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User profile: iamlearner

User info
User name:iamlearner
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

C++ - File is not Fully arrived
thanks for the reply .. yes i change char *rbuffer to char rbuffer[256] ; it works to send the ...

C++ - File is not Fully arrived
i want to send a file from client to server through socket . yes it sends a file but the received fi...

send the file periodically through socket in windows
here is my client code : // client.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // ...

send the file periodically through socket in windows
which one can i use ? the first one or the second one ? and is it also implemented in server to r...

send the modifed file periodically through socket in windows
I want to send a file periodically from client to server in C++. say, every 10 seconds. send.txt is ...

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