User profile: mhouse777

User info
User name:mhouse777
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

access violation and pointers question (SDL)
@Lachlan Easton--- It's the size of a single frame on a sprite sheet ( image). I have 3 rows of 10 o...

access violation and pointers question (SDL)
.....Does it matter that my sprites are 640 x 480 and 30 frames, and that memory runs out maybe?

access violation and pointers question (SDL)
Hi, If I have any more than ten pointers to ten different sprite sheets i get an access violation...

Sprite sheet animatiion question
Hi, I have three sprite sheets (image 1,2,and 3) one and two are 21 frames long, but three is 120 ...

question on decrementing
....ya.. Ive actually modified it a couple times. I'm thinking it might be something to do with wher...