User: mohsenti

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User profile: mohsenti

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User name:mohsenti
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

how to get innerText with libxml++ ?
Hi, I develop application to parse a html file with libxml++. I using TextNode to get texts of Eleme...

why size of allocated memory to array is wrong ?
[quote] You're looking in Task Manager. Task manager does not tell you how much memory is allocated...

why size of allocated memory to array is wrong ?
a pointer size is 64bit in 64bit PCs (8 byte). [quote] [b]8[/b]*4*409113 = 13 MB [/quote]

why size of allocated memory to array is wrong ?
Hi, I write simple program to allocate memory to char array. [code]#include <cstdlib> #include <iost...

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