User: papagym177

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User profile: papagym177

User info
User name:papagym177
Location:Prescott Arizona
Bio:Retired Industrial Design Manager. Learned basic on the old Apple II, took some Pascal classes in college. Dabbled with JS. Hope to get good at using C++
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

How would I get the length of the last word in a string of input?
Try world.length

Clarification needed
So in reality it is actually dropping down to the next level. I guess it makes sense when they say i...

Clarification needed
What is the meaning of the words (term) "falling through" in C++? Please try to list some conditions...

Don't understand this
This paragraph is from the tutorial Cplusplus Is real confusing.... Notice how in main, the variab...

I'm really confused about the use of namespaces myNamespace and using namespace std. Both of which a...

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