User: saxoalex

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User profile: saxoalex

User info
User name:saxoalex
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

Array problem between 2 class
Hey, I am trying to implement you code. What means override ? It does not work in my code. Plus, th...

Array problem between 2 class
This message was too long si I have to post an other : general_noise.h: [code] #ifndef GENERAL_NO...

Array problem between 2 class
I, thank you. I thought that arrays were writable in every inherited class. The project is to make a...

Array problem between 2 class
Hello there ! I am trying to write values into arrays with a method add_general_noise() which gen...

Constructors problems
Yes the constructor has a body and is public. Ganado, I tried your solution and it seams to be okay...

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