User: vnii

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User profile: vnii

User info
User name:vnii
Name:vincent nguyuen
Bio:new to the programming society
Number of posts:18
Latest posts:

How to read certain lines from a txt file?
when i run the program now, the program doesn't stop. Do you think, you can compile my program and s...

How to read certain lines from a txt file?
errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrg now i is confused

How to read certain lines from a txt file?
Sorry Giblit, I don't know if we are using the same c++ language lol. Im too new at this and I only ...

How to read certain lines from a txt file?
@chervil are you saying if I declare the date to a string or something, I can just find that string...

can someone run my project?
Can someone run my project and tell me what i am messing up on? Its a project that lets the user ke...

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