Windows Programming - June 2021

by Borneq
UAC: how lower privileges?
Test and elevation is:
[3 replies] Last: See (by Pierrre)
by volang
execute/output in another terminal window
I want to write commands in terminal A that gets executed in terminal B. If terminal B doesn't exist then terminal A opens a new window(terminal B) and then t...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you both! :) (by volang)
#include <windows.h> void send_mouse_wheel(int dx, int dy) { INPUT input = { 0 }; input.type = INPUT_MOUSE; if (dy != 0) { input.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVE...
[6 replies] Last: @salem c >From that you could infer that coalescing means that mouse ... (by watermelon123)
Getting an HWND from a process started with CreateProcess
STARTUPINFO si = { sizeof(STARTUPINFO) }; si.cb = sizeof(si); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.wShowWindow = SW_NORMAL; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; CreateProc...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks dutch for a perfect example Thanks jonnin for the comment... (by Ba ranh)
Try catch all error
I want to catch all the bugs try { //... } catch (...) { //... } I tried but no success
[7 replies] Last: everything can be decompiled. The confusion tools make it hard to fol... (by jonnin)
Linking a third party library using GNU
My question is, how do I link a third party library with my project using g++? The specific library I'm trying to use is SFML. I've seen countless of tuto...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you. Following everyone's advice, I eventually got it to work u... (by tr29038)
Error with the IDE and compilers
Hi, I'm student of a university in Mexico, for the last 5 months I have been learning about this language of programming, but in the past i had a lot of problem...
[1 reply] : this is some other problem. Visual studio should not cause anything t... (by jonnin)
Connect SQLServer failed in c++
I connect to the database but it goes to the case 'SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO', I don't know what am I missing or where is wrong, hope everyone helps. #include <...
[8 replies] Last: I did it, thank you very much coder777 (by Ba ranh)
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