User profile: bordonbert

User info
User name:bordonbert
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

Dialogue OK button behaves differently on different PCs
thanks for the advice mbozzi. I have emailed Analog filling them in fully on what has happened. I...

Dialogue OK button behaves differently on different PCs
Hi, This is actually to do with functionality of the LTSpice simulation software which I am assum...

Does CListCtrl display only filled rows?
Is the default behaviour for CListCtrl to only show the number of rows that are currently filled wit...

CListCtrl disappears after minimising
I'm sorry I left it this long to answer your responses but I have been doing a lot of diagnostic w...

CListCtrl disappears after minimising
Great catch Thomas! I've done the same here and it seems to have worked, at least for the first doz...