User profile: AceSmith

User info
User name:AceSmith
Number of posts:12
Latest posts:

User defined function issue - different answers
I can't Im sorry. But I evaluated all of the functions as above and have realised sum is the problem...

User defined function issue - different answers
yep! well, expression returns [code] return sqrt(a*a +b*b) *sum(20000);[/code] sum(20000) is anot...

User defined function issue - different answers
I still get 1 using this :/

User defined function issue - different answers
I have written a code which uses a number of functions but something bizarre happens for one of thes...

Xcode for mac vs c++ for windows : Question/Problem
I've written a code which works for both c++ and Xcode. When executed there are no errors. The on...