User: BeginnerP

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User profile: BeginnerP

User info
User name:BeginnerP
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

A question about asymptotic notations
c constant, actually n(0,698) is log 5^n .They are the same things. Original question is here: https...

Where can I find weird C syntax rules?
You are right. I studied hard but I couldn't. Do you know any site or book that mentions specific an...

Where can I find weird C syntax rules?
I will take an exam and my teacher asks weird C syntax rules. Like: <code> int q=5; for(q=-2...

A question about asymptotic notations
I) 5 + log n >= n.c II) n/2 >= n.c III) n.(0,698) + 4>= n.c (Omega notation) I and II ...

What is the difference between 100 and 0100 in binary?
Thanks a lot!

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