User: Detslibli

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User profile: Detslibli

User info
User name:Detslibli
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

Euler Problem from Hackerrank, code complete but not correct
Thank you guys for your replies, I see, so int is not the datatype to which to handle the square of ...

Euler Problem from Hackerrank, code complete but not correct
Hello everyone, Im in my 2nd course for programming and learning c++, for a final I was tasked with ...

Population estimator, for loop not adding to variable and file is empty
Yes, this helped me, I found out that I had File instead of file inside the for loop, that is why my...

Population estimator, for loop not adding to variable and file is empty
For a class assignmet I have to make a population estimator. Here are the specifics: In a populat...

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