User profile: Fatal Exception

User info
User name:Fatal Exception
Name:Fatal Exception
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

fstream problem, please help.
[code] srand((unsigned)time(0)); int random=rand() % 3 + 1; SetConsoleTitle("PotatoOS...

Using system() to open a *.mp3 file
I am still having the same problem D: It doesn't seem to have any effect.

Using system() to open a *.mp3 file
I am using to the system() command to open a *.mp3 file I have but when it runs it is run using Win...

Scanning a *.txt file line by line and checking compatability
How would I use that to take each line from the file and compare them individually to a user input s...

Scanning a *.txt file line by line and checking compatability
How would I scan a *.txt file line by line to see if any of the lines in the *.txt file matched a st...