User: Gadersd

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User profile: Gadersd

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User name:Gadersd
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

Copying derived class without allocating memory?
The purpose of this entire class is to provide data storage for user defined data. A State instance ...

Copying derived class without allocating memory?
The first example you gave does not compile because unique_ptr cannot be assigned to an lvalue durin...

Copying derived class without allocating memory?
I found a solution that at least compiles. The code looks a bit sloppy to me. Is there a cleaner way...

Copying derived class without allocating memory?
[code] struct Object { Object(int type):type(type){} virtual Object* clone()const = 0; ...

unordered_map not working in class
Actually, the int type is just a placeholder. It was originally of type Object, but I changed it to ...

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