User: Gammel2012

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User profile: Gammel2012

User info
User name:Gammel2012
Number of posts:7
Latest posts:

Trying to read a file in an array of chars
So, I'm trying to write a program wich reads the first line of a file "Test.txt", converts the strin...

Converting a String into chars
Im trying to read a string from a file "Test.txt" and then count all of the vocals and output the ...

#include <fstream.h> fails
Oh yeah didnt realise I forgot those

#include <fstream.h> fails
Thanks! But datei.close is now giveng me an error message :/ : |21|error: statement cannot resolve ...

#include <fstream.h> fails
I want to open and read a file but when I try to build my program it says "fatal error: fstream.h: ...

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