User profile: Heat4Life

User info
User name:Heat4Life
Name:Paul Quinn
Bio:Game Programming is Love | Game Programming is Life
Number of posts:8
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So I did this....
But I want to make 240 to 243 but why the total is not responding?

So I did this....
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x = 240; int y = 463; int to...

Why is LONG_MAX Values the same as INT_MAX?
So IT really depends on the Compiler you chosed?

Difference between doing.. for example: long int, short int
So I can just forget about typing 'int' when doing something like short number = 24214;

Why is LONG_MAX Values the same as INT_MAX?
Why is LONG_MAX Values the same as INT_MAX? I'm also getting error when doing something like: long n...