User: JonTelep26

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User profile: JonTelep26

User info
User name:JonTelep26
Name:Jonathan Telep
Location:United States, Athens, Ohio
Bio:Beginner in C++
Number of posts:15
Latest posts:

What is this error?
I made a temp main to test two of my files, once I put the actual main in the directory and tested: ...

What is this error?
When I change that main and my menu functions that are being compiled together this error gets throw...

What is this error?
Would I have to change my main's name? sine I have two mains within my directory. So two functions c...

What is this error?
ld: fatal: symbol 'main' is multiply-defined: (file /var/tmp//cceZjOcX.o type=FUNC; file ...

Overloading >> operator as non-member function
How would I be able to overload my >> operator with the following header: [code] std::istream& o...

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