User: Krishnananthan

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User profile: Krishnananthan

User info
User name:Krishnananthan
Name:Krishnananthan Vijayaretnam
Location:Colombo, Sri Lanka
Number of posts:5
Latest posts:

Error in applying strftime() method
I am facing a problem in mysql query execution. My code is following. [code] conn = mysql_ini...

Split current date
I've got it.. This is the way.. time_t rawtime; struct tm * timeinfo; char buffer [80]; char b...

Split current date
Hi, I have to categorize the time into hour basic and day basic. I am using NOW() to store the curr...

Insert System or current time into mysql table column
Thanks man. Both worked.

Insert System or current time into mysql table column
I have to send a count of number to mysql database table, with the current time. The current time mu...

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