User: LuigiIstratescu

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User profile: LuigiIstratescu

User info
User name:LuigiIstratescu
Number of posts:12
Latest posts:

C++ Exercise II
I see, Ok so following your example, I got to loop each person by their corresponding number. [code...

C++ Exercise II
Hi... :( I tried using arrays and loops, this is the best I could come up with: [code] #include <...

C++ Exercise II
Ok! Hold on, I'll try with that, don't give me an answer yet. Give me 10 min, I need to think this :...

C++ Exercise II
Hi Guys... I tried to do the following exercise: Write a program that asks the user to enter t...

C++ Exercise
Hi Ganado, I tried the same exercise using loops, as you suggested. I have something like this: [c...

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