User: MJnoob

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User profile: MJnoob

User info
User name:MJnoob
Number of posts:4
Latest posts:

Checking if input is in the array already, and if its int or not
oh yes, I thought you meant I have to make a header for that method, yes thank you! you have cleared...

Checking if input is in the array already, and if its int or not
Hello @Handy Andy! I appreciate the help I understood most of it, but I don't want to use a header ...

Checking if input is in the array already, and if its int or not
hey, thanks for replying! I mean yes I did but when I enter a character it starts spamming the out...

Checking if input is in the array already, and if its int or not
so I just started learning c++ and I am supposed to make a guessing game between 1-100 in c++ where ...

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