User: MohammadAlshareef

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  • MohammadAlshareef

User profile: MohammadAlshareef

User info
User name:MohammadAlshareef
Number of posts:8
Latest posts:

Can anyone explains this to me ?
Can anyone explains how this code works ? Why we put a condition in an array ? how is this ? I cant...

Why the second version didn't work ?
Thank you very much ,You and Ganado ^_^

Why the second version didn't work ?
So the variable will not change unless i change my self ?

Why the second version didn't work ?
To be honest i didn't understand you well in the last to lines you wrote ! and what should i do to m...

Why the second version didn't work ?
I made a program that put letter between numbers which you enter ... I made two version of this code...

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