User: NabeelUsmani

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User profile: NabeelUsmani

User info
User name:NabeelUsmani
Number of posts:10
Latest posts:

Cin Input.
Thanks gunnerfunner, is it possible if I dont want to use string lib? :)

Cin Input.
Hi there, I can't input my balance value. As I put full name for the account holder string with spa...

Simple Question about Print Function.
I have base class Employee and a derived class Manager. If I put two print functions in each class t...

simple array output overloading question.
[code] ostream& operator << (ostream& outputStream, const SmartArray& L) { outputStream << "["; fo...

simple array output overloading question.
In my cmpt notes, there is array cout overloaded, ostream. Its job is to just simply print an array....

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