User: PeterParis

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User profile: PeterParis

User info
User name:PeterParis
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

C++ Tutorials
I am running Ubuntu MATE 19.04 and i like using the command line. I have been looking around for upt...

Using endl
Very big thank you to both christianwos and lastchance for taking the time out and helping a noob li...

Using endl
I have only just started to learn C++ and i really would like some help please. I typed out a multi...

Which GNU g++ compiler
Hello Duthomhas Big thanks for the [b]Code::Blocks[/b] link, but i think i'll stick with using the ...

Which GNU g++ compiler
Did a little reading on the subject and did eventually what Duthomhas suggested and use [code]sudo...

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