User profile: Samuel Bass

User info
User name:Samuel Bass
Bio:Beginner Programmer for C++
Number of posts:6
Latest posts:

What does round to one decimal place of percision means?
I want to know what "Make sure the output of the program displays the number of slices in fixed poin...

My code gives me a long small number.
Know I can see what goes on. Thank you I appreciated!

My code gives me a long small number.
well the problem with 5 is that the answer to "final_weight" it does it calculations wrong or someth...

My code gives me a long small number.
But I cant make Program 5 work properly ..... I need suggestions how to make it work .... It outputs...

My code gives me a long small number.
It worked when I added some code... does it look correct ? //Program 6 char first[20]; cin.getl...