User: Soldier8D

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User profile: Soldier8D

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User name:Soldier8D
Number of posts:5
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Undefined reference to WinMain@16
I am trying to make a calculator using only if-then statements, with a few other bits thrown in. Th...

Undefined reference to WinMain@16
[quote]So as for your error, does your program have either a int main() function or a INT WINAPI Win...

Undefined reference to WinMain@16
Sorry for the long reply time, the schools network has been down and I could not get home access. ...

Undefined reference to WinMain@16
Alright, I have re-done the code, and Ill include a bit more information this time. I removed the ....

Undefined reference to WinMain@16
I have seen posts about this problem before, and tried everything within them. This code is for my ...

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