User: acscicplusplus

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User profile: acscicplusplus

User info
User name:acscicplusplus
Number of posts:12
Latest posts:

Create a Class to Calculate Students' Average Grades
Modify the Week 13 Program to use a class called Student which has a name and 7 grades. These shoul...

Create a Class to Calculate Students' Average Grades
Thanks to the gracious help of a community member last week, I was able to complete a program that i...

Read in Data from a File to Create a 2D Array
Yes that worked very well and I intuitively understood it as well. Thank you very much for your help...

Read in Data from a File to Create a 2D Array
There are parts of this we haven't covered in class and wouldn't go over well if I turned in somethi...

Read in Data from a File to Create a 2D Array
I posted about this last week but the solution didn't provide me enough clarity so I'm hoping this t...

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